Thursday, January 15, 2009

vacuum time

Nolan loves when I vacuum. He has a blast chasing it and then pretending the vacuum is chasing him and running away. It is pretty cute. Sometimes he'll stop and challenge the vacuum with a look and his tongue out, but then he takes off screaming. He's loved this game ever since he started walking. I didn't realize how much he loved it until the other day I said "lets pick up the floor, so mommy can vacuum." He immediately ran to the closet and excitedly repeated "vrrrmmmm" until I opened the door and got the vacuum out. As soon as it was out of the closet, he ran to it and gave the vacuum a big hug like it was a long lost friend. I've never seen anyone so excited about the vacuum before. I know what his chore is going to be when he gets older.


At 8:28 PM , Blogger Steph said...

that is too cute!

At 8:56 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Sweet -- I'll buy him a dust buster for his 2nd birthday.

At 9:34 PM , Blogger emily said...

that is absolutely hilarious!


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