Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fun Day

Monday Sara was able to spend the day with us. It was fun. We went down to Riverfront park and had a picnic and fed the ducks. Some onlookers got a good laugh over the geese bullying us for some bread. Colleen was scared and screamed a lot.
Colleen was really excited to take Sara out to dinner to her favorite restaurant. Nolan gave us a good laugh every time the waitress came. He continuously tried to flirt with her by giving her pieces if his cereal and grabbing her tush. He's such a little lady's man. I'm going to be in trouble when he is older. I've never seen a 1 year old put on the moves like he did.
Today the poor little guy got shots. Colleen got some too. They both will be going back next week for more. I choose to space their shots out. Colleen was such a trooper. After watching two older boys scream and cry while getting 1 flu shot, she sat there and quietly got stuck 3 times. Not a peep out of her. Girls are tough!!


At 5:48 PM , Blogger Steph said...

When I was younger I tried feeding the geese the cheetos that were round shaped. The geese started choking and I didn't know what to do

At 8:52 AM , Blogger Sara said...

I had fun hangin' out with you guys!


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