Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Grady Grady

My little guy is growing so fast. I can't believe he's 2 months old already. He is such a good baby. Sleeps good. He's the best sleeper of my 3. He was pretty much born with a schedule. He only wakes up at night to eat. Colleen and Nolan wanted to party during the night when they were babies. Grady was different in the womb though. I never felt him moving after 9:00 at night.
The first several weeks he had his usual fussy time in the evening, but now if he is awake, he is so happy and smiling. He just lights up when Colleen and Nolan talk to him. This morning he was interacting with Nolan in the cutest way. Nolan would try to stick the pacifier in Grady's mouth and Grady would then spit it out and laugh. This went on for about 5 minutes with them both laughing. It was too cute.


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