Sunday, October 04, 2009

Can't Decide

I'm taking a poll. I can't decide if I want my hair long or short. Positives to being long, is I can put it up in a pony tail, I think it is pretty long, and it is very low maintenance. If its short, it takes more maintenance, but it dries a lot quicker, which means I'm not as cold in the winter when I get out of the shower.
I need help deciding. Rory likes it better short, but I can't make up my mind. I go back and forth. Every time I cut it short I end up growing it back out. What to do?


At 9:16 PM , Blogger emily said...

Altho I really like your short hair, (but I also like your long hair--very hard decision), I think maybe keep it long, if you want low maintenance, which you may want with three kiddies. 'Course, you could base the decision on which you like the look of better. Because if you like one look a lot better, you'll be more likely to be willing to the maintenance. I don't know if that helps the decision or makes it worse!!

At 9:18 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I don't think I will be much help. You have beautiful long hair but its also a cute style short. I'm a fan of short hair but often jealous of those who can make long look good. You do both!

At 9:38 PM , Blogger Sara said...

I love both the long and short. I do hate how long it takes my hair to dry. I should be better about blow drying it. Go with your gutt feeling. you could always change it again later... grow it back out or cut it...


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