Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I know it has been a long time since I blogged. Last month we were so excited when Rory surprised us and came home a few weeks early from his deployment. I'm so glad he did, because it took him a week to get over jet leg and build back up his endurance to keep up with the kids. Especially Nolan, he is a ball of energy, but so much fun.
On September 6th little Grady Shane was born. I was so glad Rory made it home in time. If he didn't come home early, he would have missed the wonderful experience. Yes, he is our 3rd, but giving birth in a civilian hospital is luxurious compared to the army hospital Colleen and Nolan were born in and it was great to experience that together.
The kids are doing great with Grady. I'm enjoying him being so little and don't want to miss a moment, because they grow up too fast. I'm also looking forward to the fun family times we will have when the kids are a little older. Its just amazing to me that a year ago we moved to Washington with no clue what was in store for us. This past year has been amazing with the gift of such a beautiful baby boy. Now in less than 3 weeks we will officially own our own home. So exciting.


At 7:52 AM , Blogger Sara said...

That is a lot of exciting stuff!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet Grady soon!!! and see the new home!

At 9:09 PM , Blogger Borders Family blog said...

I'm so happy for you guys!! Such wonderful things happening and many memories to be made!!

At 8:41 AM , Blogger Fawn said...

excited for you guys and all your new little adventures! i wanted to come out in oct with sara, but maybe new years... :)

At 10:18 PM , Blogger emily said...

what a beautiful family!!!


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