Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Still Recovering

We've been home since Sunday, but I am still recovering from our trip. Trying to catch up on laundry and unpacking and sleep. Nolan came down with a minor cold when we got home, so he has been a little cranky the past few days. We had a lot of fun seeing family and friends though. We always have a good time in Montana and Idaho. I'm really looking forward to next summer. Hopefully Rory will be home all summer and we can go on a family vacation. Even though we had a lot of fun, I really missed sharing the trip with him. The kids were such good travelers. I was so proud of them.

Big new today: Nolan went on the potty!!! Such a big boy. It took a lot of sitting on it and reading, but he did it!! He was so happy about it too. Colleen really helped. She sat in there and talked to him and read to him until he went. It was so cute. She is so proud that she is potty training her little brother. So sweet.


At 4:15 PM , Blogger Sara said...

yay. wish I could have seen his potty dance he tried to show me over the phone. ;)

At 6:43 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Colleen seems like a good big sis. Good job Nolan!


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