Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Georgetown Lake

The other day we spent a little time out at the lake. The kids had a lot of fun. It was Colleen's first time fishing. She loved the fact that she was using marshmallows as bait. She had a lot of fun eating them while she watched her line. Of course we just gave Nolan his hockey stick and he had a blast playing rock hockey. His hockey stick always keeps him busy. Later today we are heading on to Idaho for two days. The kids are really excited to stay in a hotel with a pool. Should be a good time.


At 9:55 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Cracks me up how big the hockey stick is for Nolan. Colleen looks like a serious fisher girl now

At 8:54 PM , Blogger Sara said...

that was so much fun!


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