Saturday, May 16, 2009

Flat Daddy

The AFRC on base has a program for kids of deployed personnel. They make a flat daddy or flat mommy for them. At first I thought it seemed silly, but now I'm glad I had it done, because the kids are in love with their flat daddy. We put it on a little shelf on the wall and every time we come home they say hi to their flat daddy and talk to him a lot. I still think it is kind of funny, but it means a lot to the kids.
Rory has only been gone 2 weeks, but it seems like forever. My mom has been here helping out a lot and that has been making the time go by faster, but when your pregnant and uncomfortable there is no replacement for a husband who should be rubbing your swollen feet and aching back. I'm hoping to hear from him today. Its been almost a week.


At 5:14 PM , Blogger emily said...

That makes me cry. I pray that Jesus gives you and your little ones (in utero included) abundant peace and comfort, and I pray that the time will go quickly.

At 7:31 PM , Blogger Borders Family blog said...

That is pretty funny, but pretty cool too!! I never heard of them doing anything like that before. the kids must love to see their daddy there (even though it's not the same as the real deal)I pray that Rory stays safe and wish you and the three little ones well. It's nice your mom is there to help out, will she be there until after the baby?

At 2:28 PM , Blogger Sara said...

thats so cute!

At 3:24 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I'm kinda not sure what to think of coming up with that idea as I wouldn't have thought of it. Creative people. It's really sweet that its helpful to the kids. Praying the time goes quickly for you...


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